A few weeks before the Fallas are build in the streets, the makers submit their favourite “Ninot” to an exposition.
Ninots are actually small parts of the composition, mostly characters.
La Exposició del Ninot is held in the Centro Comercial de Nuevo Centro from February the 5th to March 14th.
This exposition is open to the public and only costs a couple of Euros. Visitors are able to vote for their favourite sculpture.
The wining Ninots will be saved from the flames and added to the collection of the Museo Fallero.
El Museo Fallero is situated in the centre of Valencia and offers a collection of saved Ninots from 1943 till now.
El Museo del Artista Fallero is dedicated to the design and craftsmanship of this wonderful art form.
You will find drawings, scale models and historical photographs. If you would like to find out how they are made, this is the place to go. It's situated somewhat outside the city centre, right into the industrial zone where many Fallas are made.
Where to go

Of course the city of Valencia is the place to be, the place where it happens big time! If you are considering coming here, the best way is to avoid using the car. If you come by train, you’ll be in right into the fiesta as soon as you exit the main train station.
If you prefer to take it easy you could consider visit the fallas in other, smaller towns.
The Fallas are celebrated all around the region of Valencia but the closer to Valencia city and the bigger the town, the greater the number of monuments you will find there and more intense the festivities are.
Here is a list of towns that celebrates the Fallas:
Alacus, Albal, Albalat de la Ribera, Albalat dels Sorells, Alberique, Alboraya, Albuisec, Alcacer. Aldaya, Alfafar, Alfara del Patriarca, Algemesi, Alginet, Almacera, Almusafes, Alcira, Benaguacil, Benageber, Beneixida, Benetuser, Benicarlo, Benidorm, Benifayo, Betera, Bonrepos y Mirambell, Buñol, Burriana, Calpe, Carcagente, Carlet, Catarroja, Cheste, Cullera, Denia, El Puig, Favara, Fortaleny, Foyos, Gandia, Godella, Jativa, Jaraco, La Pobla Llarga, La Pobla de Vallbona, La Eliana, Llauri, Liria, Llombay, Manises, Masalaves, Masamagrell, Masalfafar, Masanasa, Meliana, Moncada, Monserrat, Montroy, Museros, Naquera, Novetle, Oliva, Paiporta, Paterna, Picaña, Picasent, Pego, Poliña del Jucar, Puzol, Rafelbuñol, Real del Montroy, Ribaroja del Turia, Rocafort, Sagunto, San Antonio de Benageber, Sedavi, Siete Aguas, Silla, Sollana, Sueca, Tavernes Blanques, Tavernes de la Valldigna, Torrente, Turis, Utiel, Valencia, Vall de Uxo, Villamarchante, Villanueva de Castellon, Viver.